In the heart of Alabama, amidst the rustic charm of Camp McDowell, leaders from various denominational backgrounds converged for the annual Outdoor Ministries Connection (OMC) Council retreat. OMC is a consortium of mainline denominational camp and retreat associations including Episcopal Conference Centers and Camps (ECCC), Lutheran Outdoor Ministries (LOM), Presbyterian Camps & Conference Center Association (PCCCA), Outdoor Ministry Institute of the United Church of Canada (OMI-UCC), Outdoor Ministry Association of the United Church of Christ (OMA-UCC), and United Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministries (UMCRM). Ten representatives from these organizations met for a visioning and planning process to organize collaborative ecumenical opportunities in the coming year and beyond.
The OMC Council, comprised of the Executive Directors and Board Chairs (or their representatives) from the participating associations, convened from April 22nd to the 25th to deliberate, strategize, and dream bigger for the future of outdoor ministries. The UMCRM Association was represented by Director Jessica Gamaché and Board Chair Dail Ballard.
The retreat kicked off with updates, each organization sharing the triumphs and challenges of their ministry over the past year. The core work of the event, though, lay in four primary initiatives aimed at strengthening the collective impact of OMC. Here are some highlights from those conversations:
Mission and Vision:
The Council approved the final versions of OMC's mission and vision statements solidifying their commitment to the work of OMC.
The mission of OMC is to provide opportunities for collaborative ecumenical relationships and endeavors among groups representing denominational outdoor ministries.
OMC’s vision is to be a platform for cooperative work between the representative bodies of outdoor ministries throughout Christian denominations in the United States and Canada. We dream bigger and braver to create a greater impact for all outdoor ministries.
Collaborative Initiatives:
Organizational Infrastructure:
The Council reviewed, amended, and finalized draft versions of organizational by-laws and financial control policies, laying a sturdy foundation for OMC's operational framework.
Incorporation Journey:
As the retreat wrapped up, the flame of collaboration blazed on. The Council plans to regather via Zoom this fall, guaranteeing that the energy sparked at Camp McDowell continues throughout the year.
With a collective vision and shared goals, the 2024 OMC Council Retreat is a testament to unity's power. Through their unwavering commitment to collaboration, these leaders have laid the groundwork for a vibrant future in denominational outdoor ministries— where differences are bridged by common purpose and outdoor spaces become inclusive sanctuaries for all.
All photo credits: Dall Ballard