UMCRM Board Welcomes New Members-Elect

09 Nov 2022 8:21 PM | Jen Burch (Administrator)

At its January meeting, the UMCRM Association will welcome three new members of the Board of Directors. Let's meet them!

Mitzie Schafer is a full-time consultant with GSB Fundraising, helping nonprofits and churches tell their story in ways that increase engagement. She specializes in strategic planning, annual fund, planned giving, and CAGA Model Storytelling training and coaching.  She has more than 15 years of experience in nonprofit executive leadership and fundraising for organizations including Epworth Children’s Home in Columbia, SC, the ELCA Foundation, and NovusWay.

Mitzie enjoys helping non-profit organizations implement systematic, best practice approaches that shift toxic institutional cultures to healthy, thriving ministries. Her focus is on transparency, human resource management, communication, and accountability. She utilizes these strategies to strengthen relationships among staff, the board, and constituents.

Other fun facts:

  • Mitzie grew up in the UMC, going to Camp Tekoa (NC) for retreats
  • She served on summer staff at Lutheridge/Lutherock
  • She believes in camp ministry as one of the most important things the church does to grow faith, build belonging, and grow self-confidence.

Peter Weaver is a Retired Bishop of The United Methodist Church, having served from 1996-2012. In 2004, he became the President of the Council of Bishops for a two-year term. Ordained Deacon and Elder in the Western Pennsylvania Conference, Pete served on many community Boards, was adjunct faculty for Drew and Pittsburgh Theological Seminaries, produced weekly radio programs, and helped found Bethlehem Haven for Homeless Women and "One Voice Against Racism."

Pete was the first President of the Council of Bishops to be nominated by the "discernment process" and elected for a two-year term (2004-2006). He has also served on the General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns and the General Board of Global Ministries. He has been an active member on the Boards of five colleges and universities and has worked with Jim Wallis and others to "Make Poverty History."

Other fun facts: 

  • Bishop Weaver led Bible study at the UMCRM National Gathering at Lake Junaluska in 2011

patrick roscoe

Patrick Roscoe hails from Missouri City, Texas. He has a degree in Organizational Leadership from Fort Hays State University. Patrick’s camping experience includes various roles at YMCA camps in Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri. He has worked as a camp counselor, outdoor educator, and guest services coordinator. Patrick currently serves as Operations and Communications Director at Camp Newaygo, a Girls' Overnight Camp, Co-ed Day Camp, and year round program, conference, and retreat facility in Western Michigan. He says, "What I enjoy most about camp life is the opportunity to impact youth and adult communities that are interested in challenging their lived experiences through challenge initiatives, team building, community efforts, and overall personal development." In serving with UMCRM, he looks forward to incorporating United Methodist faith along with professional skills in an area of his passion.

Other fun facts: 

  • Patrick's favorite camp song is "Flea, Fly"
  • In his free time, he enjoys movies, live music, thought provoking conversation, and reading, especially on topics of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We are grateful for these remarkable individuals' willingness to help guide the UMCRM Association in a governance capacity, sharing their depth of experience and insight while bringing their passion and a spirit of fun to our shared work. Please join in praying for them and all of our Association's leadership as they envision a thriving future for United Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministries.