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Association of UMCRM


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Blog content reflects the perspective of each individual guest author, and does not necessarily represent any official position of the UMCRM Association.

  • 03 May 2017 11:03 PM | Jen Burch (Administrator)

    Sometimes it’s the little things that make it easier to be productive. Lately I’ve been using several apps that have helped me to get more accomplished, save things for later, or calm down my stressed-out self. I’ve taken a moment to share some of the apps that are making my life easier. Find the ones that you like best --there is a wide variety of helpful tools available.

    Pages Manager: Facebook

    If you have a Facebook page for your camp and want an easier way to stay connected with it on your phone, then you should download Pages Manager. I use this app to access our main camp page, our friends page, and our conference page. It lets me easily shift between all three pages, make updates, read messages, boost posts, and see notifications. It’s a great way to keep connected on a work phone without going through your personal Facebook account.

    Hours Tracker

    There are days when I know I’ve done a lot in the office but I can’t tell you a single thing that I accomplished. I downloaded this app a week ago to try to get perspective around how I’m spending my work hours and what I’ve accomplished. I like that I can customize my own labels and tags. A few that I have created are: registration software, staff meeting, email/phone calls, feeding the animals, etc.  You can also export the data or go back and add time.

    Head Space

    There are times when you are feeling pressure and you need help to wind down. This is a great app to help you learn about meditation and how to do it. The first 10 sessions are free. When I’ve got 10 minutes and need to refocus, take a break, or before a big phone call/meeting I can start this meditation app to help me clear my mind and focus on what’s next.


    I will gladly admit that I am a Pinterest junkie! I love scrolling through and saving ideas for later or making boards with images that I love. I’ve found it's a great way for me to save ideas for camp like newsletter topics, fundraising ideas, program ideas, and more. I created a board for staff training where I collect ideas in one place to organize the treasures I find online. When it’s time to plan staff training I can share those ideas easily with my program staff by forwarding them through Pinterest or Facebook Messenger.

    What’s working for you? Take a moment to share a favorite app or trick of the trade in the UMCRM Facebook Group.

    Sarah Ratz is the Director of Judson Collins Center in the UMC's Michigan Area. She also chairs the Member Services Committee of the UMCRM Association Board of Directors. She enjoys travel, crafting, animals of all kinds, and board games, in addition to her contagious passion for outdoor ministry.

  • 29 Mar 2017 10:32 PM | Jen Burch (Administrator)

    It is spring and time to rehire/hire your staff for summer.  I know I pray for my staff throughout the year, but in recent years I've added some other strategies to provide spiritual leadership and support pre-season. Sometimes the young adults that serve on my staff are away from home, often involved in work and school on their own, and not always fully engaged in their spiritual life. They come to camp as excellent camp staff, disciples of Jesus Christ, but not always fully prepared spiritually for leadership in faith formation of our campers. Two years ago I started a way to better prepare my staff for their leadership role in guiding campers spiritually for the summer.


    Here are a few ideas that have proven successful with my staff:

    • Whatever you ask of your staff, don’t let it be complicated, time consuming, or seem like “homework.”  

    • Virtual reunion of your staff is the best.  Find a social media platform that you and your staff can interact on.  I have a closed Facebook staff group that works, and while FB isn’t as popular with young adults,  my staff is willing to engage for the purpose of this preparedness exercise.  

    • Some years I have used the YA Devotions on the Discipleship Ministries site.  www.umcyoungpeople.org  They are devotions written by young adults, with a question posed at the end. Staff can comment with their responses.

    • I have also used our summer camp curriculum as a preparation guide, using the daily themes and verses and some of the actual questions that they will be leading their small group through at camp.

    • In the beginning I ask some very basic questions like “How is it with your soul?”,  “What does it mean to stay in love with God?”

    • I always leave the option to private message me if they have questions they don’t want to post with the group.  

    • I do follow-up immediately with the group; young adults today are used to instant information.

    • We also incorporate spiritual follow-up during staff training; discussing their thoughts and feelings, questions and concerns about the summer ahead.

    • I  accept a “thumbs up” or “smile” as a response, so even if they’re not engaging online in a deep way, I know they are present. I find most have at least read the devotion post.

    The important thing is that you have a way to check the spiritual temperature of your staff before the summer begins.  A little time and effort in prior preparation is so much easier than dealing with a spiritually struggling staff member after the summer has begun.  

    Kelly Peterson-Cruse has trained many summer staff teams over the years as a former Camp Director/Owner, and in her role as Director of Camping and Young People's Ministries in the Cal-Nevada Conference. Her ministry is fueled by good coffee, the energy of young people, and the love of Jesus.

  • 15 Mar 2017 10:12 PM | Jen Burch (Administrator)

    “Creating the Exceptional”: ACA 2017 National Conference

    The American Camp Association (ACA) offers its National Conference to provide a few days packed with professional development for camp leaders and to build on the magnificent camping community found across the nation and around the world. ACA brings together all types of camp professionals, so in one room you could have day camp and residential camp professionals, religious and nonreligious camp professionals, those from single gender and coed camps, and camp leaders of all ethnicities.

    ACA's “Camp Includes Me” initiative combined with the UMCRM Association's initiative of “Expanding Ethnic Community and Leadership in Camping” to create an impactful presence at ACA’s National Conference this year. First time attendee Shanterra McBride, from Texas, shares that she was...

    "so excited to partner with the “Camp Includes Me” track. Being able to partner in the education and conversation of how camp should and can include all, particularly children of color, was an extremely rewarding and hard experience. Hard, because oftentimes the dialogue around black and brown campers includes the words “financial aid” in the same sentence, but rewarding because of how open the participants were to the conversation."

    South Carolina’s Arthur Spriggs, a long time attendee of ACA’s national conferences, explains that there have been “many attempts over the years in the area of diversity among camping people, but the number of workshops and discussions about being intentional with this work was very present this year and very celebrated.” There was total agreement by all attending that this is an exciting endeavor. We are all looking forward to seeing what God desires to do in our world of camping!

    It was a true pleasure to listen in to what Niambi Jaha-Echols, Dr. Deborah Gilboa, and many others had to say during their keynotes and sessions. Shanterra McBride shared what an amazing experience it was to be in the same room with these women she has followed throughout their careers.  

    While this conference takes our professionals away from the camp setting for a few days, David Rouse explains that “the opportunity to network with other camp leaders and learn about current topics in the camping world makes the time at ACA National Conference worthwhile.” This time spent with others who share the same passion as we do is pertinent to our work. The theme for the 2017 National Conference was “Creating the Exceptional” and this conference strived to do just that. Arthur Spriggs shares his enjoyment of getting to spend time with fellow UM camping professionals. No matter our job title, the type of camp we work for, or the color of our skin, it was so incredible to see everyone come together for a common cause: changing children’s lives through the camp experience.

    Thanks to Paige Railey (SC Conference Camp & Retreat Ministries) for putting together these reflections to share with the UMCRM community!

  • 08 Mar 2017 9:43 PM | Jen Burch (Administrator)

    We are "camp people." Camp people tend to get a little excited. We get excited over grilled cheese Wednesday, silly songs, and rubber chickens, but most of all – we get excited about camp. We get jump-up-and-down, bang-on-the-table excited because people meet Jesus at camp. People find out what love is really like at camp. The most honest forms of confidence, peace, leadership, friendship, and purpose are discovered and built at camp. Disciples are made at camp.

    Sam and I decided it was our job to get other people excited about camp too. The words "summer camp" don't always carry the same authority as "international mission trip," but camping ministry is transforming lives, and we want people to see how diverse and relevant it is. We want churches to take mission trips to their local camps. We want parents to see the matchless opportunity there is for their kids at camp. We want kids to think camp is the coolest thing ever.

    So, the Camp to Camp project was born.

    Beginning in January 2017, we set off to discover and document the big things happening in camping ministry. Following God’s (not so gentle) call, we moved into a renovated 1976 Dutch Craft camper and began traveling the US from camp to camp.  We seek to work alongside the staff, serving in whatever (we mean whatever) capacity, as we learn and experience the culture of each camp. Along the way, we are writing (Sara) and filming (Sam) to show the world, through our eyes and the stories of others, that camp is a transformational force.

    We have many hopes for this project, and our goals are constantly evolving as we experience more. On the inside, we hope to serve as vessels, being filled with the knowledge, creativity, and passion of others to be able to share with and develop the camping community. On the outside, we hope to get people talking about camp. There is an earnest hunger in our culture for more of “the good stuff,” and we believe that camping ministry has so much to offer. We intend to be the people shouting from the mountaintops about all the things God is doing through camp. And personally, we have only known one camp (Wesley Woods, PA). We grew up there, worked there, lived there, got married there – it is truly our home. But we want to know what else is out there and we thought the best way to learn would be to go.

    In the first two months, this project has already grown our love for camp – something we didn’t think was possible. The people we have encountered are humble servants of the Lord and have shown us so much love and encouragement. We are learning more than we know how to process, but trying to share some of the cool ideas along the way through social media. Right now, we are trying to start a bigger conversation. How do we make camp “normal’? How can we be integrated into society and be something everyone is talking about? We don’t know yet, but as we build this project and our audience, we hope to find more ways to make camping ministry something everyone is excited about. 

    If you’d like to come along with us on this adventure, you can visit our website at fromcamptocamp.com. There you’ll find our blog, links to our social media profiles and YouTube channel, and our contact information. We’d love to hear from you!

    Sam represents the Northeastern Jurisdiction on the UMCRM Association Board of Directors. After meeting them at the National Gathering in Texas, we've already been blessed by Sara, as well. Thanks for bringing us all along on the Camp To Camp adventure!

  • 22 Feb 2017 5:40 PM | Jen Burch (Administrator)

    Dear Friends,

    I want to take a moment to thank you for awarding not only myself, but the staff of the Michigan Area United Methodist Camping ministries along with two members of our Board of Directors, scholarships to the recent UMCRM National Camp Leaders Conference. Words cannot express the thanks I have in my heart for the gift you have given our new ministry, but I will try to put a few words on paper to explain.

    Over the past two years we have actively been working to combine all the Conference camping ministries of Michigan into a new corporation, which will stand on its own on behalf of the United Methodists of Michigan. On January 1, 2017 we made that step, and stand now as nine (9) camp, campground and retreat centers witnessing for Christ in Michigan. Part of my vision for this ministry was to have all of our camp Manager/Directors and some of our Board of Directors join together for a time of learning, networking, and group building. I really wanted everyone to experience the National Conference, but had no idea how I could finance so many people going to the same event. We had no readily available funds. I began to search for options and found that Legacy of Leadership scholarships were available. We all applied!

    I was then thrilled to hear Legacy of Leadership scholarships were granted, and we were able to attend. We began to develop our plan of action for gaining the most from the conference. Once on site at Lakeview Camp we sat together and planned who would attend which seminar, to make sure we did not double up and would gain the most knowledge possible. Each person attended sessions and took notes, so that once home again in Michigan we could teach the others on our team what we had learned.  We began this process with our first staff meeting on February 16th.  We will continue to do this until we have each had the opportunity to teach our team members from the jewels we have gleaned during the conference.

    While at the conference, we met each day over a meal to review some of what we had learned that day.  During these times, I saw how our team members began to get to know each other better and explore ways to put what was learned into practice. Brainstorming and idea-sharing helped to bring us together and grow the excitement.  Add to that the excellent teaching by both Bob Ditter and Rev. Jenna Morrison, the inspiring worship, and the feeling of being with others who share our passion, all brought a sense of refreshment and rejuvenation.

    All of this… these “shots of encouragement and inspiration” took place in a safe, loving environment, helping us to take a breath, relax, have some much needed fun, and still learn and bond. For this I am so thankful!  Your gifts to us have been a blessing we will see for months if not years to come.

    Blessings and thanks,


    Rev. George H. Ayoub
    Interim Executive Director of Michigan Area Conference Camping Ministries

    You, too, can be a part of the Legacy of Leadership. 

    Click the link below to make your gift online today!

  • 08 Feb 2017 9:12 PM | Jen Burch (Administrator)

    As we shared at the UMCRM Association’s Annual Meeting at Lakeview, The UMC’s General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) has approved an educational program that will qualify for Certification in our beloved field of ministry. YOU CAN GET STARTED THIS MONTH! No, really. The first step is to sign up to take the Compass Points courses being offered February 26-March 4th at Bethelwoods Conference Center in North Carolina. Information will be available there for students ready to take the next steps toward Certification.

    It’s time to sign up for Compass Points now. Head to www.compasspointsprogram.org for all the details. (Transportation to Bethelwoods and pick up at the Charlotte airport are included.)

    In a nutshell, if you start this month, you could complete your Compass Points classroom requirements by February of 2018. That’s one year. Two more classes will be offered in September 2017 and the final two in February 2018. In November of 2017, you can take the UMCRM Immersion Experience that is the United Methodist-specific component to the program. Then you’re more than halfway done.

    In addition to the above classroom requirements, two experiential components will complete your program: A directed Site Visit at a camp and retreat center of your choice, where you will interview the staff regarding hospitality, facilities management, food service, policy development and a few other things. The final piece is your Capstone project, a directed presentation before your classmates at one of the participating associations’ annual or bi-annual national gatherings. If you can’t wait until UMCRM gathers again January 28-February 1, 2019, you’re welcome to join another denomination’s annual conference for the capstone.

    So now is the moment to get going. Talk to your Director or Board; hopefully they will chip in to help with the very reasonable tuition and expenses and contribute to developing your expertise as a Camp/Retreat Ministry leader. In case you need more incentive, one of the teachers of the first class is UMCRM’s own Cat Holbert, who knocked it out of the park as Event Chair for last week’s amazing National Gathering at Lakeview Center in Palestine, TX. Are you registering right now?!

    If for some reason you cannot start the program this month, hopefully you can get on the schedule for September’s classes at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. Questions? Contact UMCRM Education Chair Gary Lawson.

  • 21 Dec 2016 8:09 PM | Jen Burch (Administrator)

    Give the gift of the National Gathering to yourself and to your staff!

    The theme for the 2017 National Gathering is "Waters of Grace." Water brings to us the source of life in the body and life in the spirit.

    Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”  John 4:10

    Assemble with other camp and retreat leaders to rejoice in the living water! Consider the gifts that will be the focus of each day of the event:

    Monday: Welcome to our Fellow Travelers. We gather as like-minded persons united in ministry and in a love of God and all creation.

    Tuesday: The Gift of Grace. Our challenges and struggles don’t define us; they do, however, offer the opportunity for each of us to experience grace first hand. Maybe it’s when that “difficult” camper “gets” it for the first time? Or when a staff member takes responsibility for a mistake? Or even when we have to get real about personal and professional accountability as leaders in ministry—no matter the issue, God’s grace is alongside us and we’re loved in the midst of it.

    Wednesday: The Gift of Water. It gets easy to think we’re doing it alone—that we are making the decisions and carrying the weight on our own. Remember and recognize God’s presence in our midst. Explore tools, resources, programs and applicable takeaways you need to distribute the work load, to innovate, and to uplift your staff and camp!

    Thursday: Rivers of Living Water. Fill up spiritually, physically and emotionally! Celebrate your wins, commiserate in challenges and share in hope with friends and colleagues. Be nourished by colleagues, gain new perspective, and be filled with the source of life—the love of Jesus.

    Register now: Join us at Lakeview Methodist Conference Center, January 30—Feb. 3rd Executive Directors, Site Directors, Maintenance, Hospitality and Program staff, Board members, and volunteers will all get something from this important gift. The Gathering, after all, is a gift that keeps giving and giving and giving.

  • 14 Dec 2016 6:52 PM | Jen Burch (Administrator)

    Gary Lawson (from Tennessee) and I were in the same mindset as we prepared for the annual trek to meet with Conference Staff for United Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministries from across the country. As (our host) David Berkey had described, we were going to one of his camps “near San Diego.” Comfortable clothes and shoes made it into the suitcases. A light jacket for the chill that comes over the area after 73 degree days was a must....  We were ready.

    On Tuesday, December 6th, this flatlander, east coast girl left her home where she resides comfortably at  an elevation of 6 feet and traveled 2530 miles to the west coast where indeed she and the other 20 executives were met with San Diego 70 degree temps. After hugs and warm greetings, we all boarded a bus to drive the hour and a half to our final destination, Camp Cedar Glen. The drive was beautiful, and the bus was full of laughter and conversation with folks who have dedicated their lives to the sustenance and advancement of camp and retreat ministries.  

    The bus trip began to take on hills and curves – roads not familiar and terrain very different from the coastal plains of North Carolina.  As we wound our way through the gates of Camp Cedar Glen near Julian, CA, we found ourselves at an elevation of over 4000 feet and temperatures that dipped into the 20’s during our stay.  (Now, where’s that light jacket I packed?!)

    We were in the beautiful mountains for a refreshing and invigorating experience, not only with terrain and temperatures, but also with professionals who help bring mountaintop experiences to hundreds of thousands of campers and guests each year at the UMC’s many and varied camp and retreat sites.

    Worship was a highlight, kicked off the first evening by preacher James Kang who spoke passionately about the ways creative, relevant communication is itself a ministry, engaging new people and helping them participate in the body of Christ. We were inspired to communicate with our constituents in such a way that the essence of camp/retreat ministries is deemed as essential and indispensable to our UM Annual Conferences. The fire in the fireplace drew us in for meeting new friends, reacquainting ourselves with old friends, and facilitating compassionate small group conversation.  

    Increasing diversity is constantly on our minds within the ministry. We talk about it amongst ourselves, within our Conferences and with the communities we serve. A growing initiative within the Cal-Pac Conference is focused on serving with the Latino and Hispanic communities. They have created programming that not only introduces the camp experience to those who are unfamiliar with it, but builds trust and connection with ethnic communities that face challenges that are unfamiliar to us.  “No Estan Solos” provides a safe space for unaccompanied refugee youth who live “between worlds” of Mexican and U.S. cultures. “Spanglish” is a retreat and leadership-training experience to build community among Hispanic/Latin youth. The presentations created a sense of wonder as we pondered how to reach out in partnership with ethnic communities in our own settings.

    To add meaning to this concept of expanding our ethnic reach, we visited the border between Mexico and the U.S.  We were greeted by Rev. John Fanestil of First UMC San Diego and Border Ministries,  who spoke to us candidly about the plight of migrants, refugees, and those who live, work, and have families on either side of the border. We gained great insight and intensified empathy for a population that is often misrepresented and certainly misunderstood – even within what we consider to be our inclusive hearts and minds and camp/retreat programming. We observed the flow of humanity and the presence of border patrol agents at San Diego’s gateway into Mexico and were challenged to consider the impact of the border on the people who live there.

    We were further moved by a visit to Christ United Methodist Ministry Center, a formerly-dwindling UMC church that transformed into a thriving ministry site. Rev. Bill Jenkins began to partner with a few community agencies, realizing that “church” could be different, a new kind of sanctuary. With a complete change in direction and focus, this church is now a bustling haven for refugees; for those marginalized by society; for children of God who didn’t know they are His.

    An awakening occurred among Summit participants as a result of these excursions.  A newfound commitment to delving further into our place and responsibility for social justice was unearthed.  And a renewed excitement emerged for what we can be for our communities; for our local churches; and for our Annual Conferences.

    Reflecting on our time in the mountains at Camp Cedar Glen at this annual gathering of camp/retreat ministry execs delivered for me that “mountaintop” experience that each of us strives to create for others. As I boarded the plane to return to my coastal community, I couldn’t help but hum “Go tell it on the Mountain” ...or over the plains or in the valleys or on the coast. Share the good news of Camp and Retreat Ministries as we expand our own borders for inclusion of ALL of God’s children.

    Dail Ballard is the Executive Director of the North Carolina United Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministries, Inc.  She oversees three camps including Camps Chestnut Ridge, Don Lee and Rockfish.

  • 07 Dec 2016 8:34 PM | Jen Burch (Administrator)

    During recent events around allegations involving a Camp/Retreat Ministry Executive in the Oregon-Idaho Conference, some wondered why the UMCRM Association did not make a public statement.  Because the allegations did not stem from any of the person’s professional roles in camp/retreat ministries, we at the UMCRM Association felt we did not, and should not, need to comment publicly on the situation. If UMCRM had responded, camp and retreat ministry might create an association with this situation that we otherwise didn't have. The takeaway is that sometimes the best, and often most difficult, response is silence.

    At this point, however, we would like to highlight everything the Oregon-Idaho Conference did right, and what we as camp/retreat ministry professionals could take away from their prudent actions during this crisis. In my experience with child abuse prevention, training, and policy development on the denominational level, I observed many strong choices and constructive actions. These choices and actions helped to contain the negative impacts on all involved while demonstrating professionalism and compassion.

    • Upon confirmation of the crisis situation, inquiries (from media/UMC/private sources) were deferred to the Director of Communication for the Annual Conference.  All statements came from their official spokesperson, which created a consistent source of information and barrier to protect conference leaders.

    • Persons who possibly could be approached by the media or would need information were quickly contacted and given relevant information, including the official spokesperson’s contact information to defer all inquiries.

    • A crisis team was formed including the incoming Bishop, Communication Director, Conference Chancellor, Conference Treasurer, and Dean of the Cabinet. Others, including the Chair of the Board of Camp and Retreat Ministries, were consulted.

    • The crisis team created a direct liaison with the federal prosecutor to understand the scope of the crime and victims via the Conference Chancellor and additional counsel hired by the conference with expertise in criminal cases.

    • An immediate response was posted in a public forum with continual updates as available. Appropriate agency/conference communication offices and leaders (Camp/Retreat Ministries, Discipleship Ministries, American Camp Association, Conference Directors of Connectional Ministry, Directors of Communication) were updated, and information shared publicly on the Oregon-Idaho website and weekly e-news.

    • Pastoral support was given to the accused, but not by conference staff, who would have a conflict of interest.

    • Pastoral support was given to staff utilizing Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) resources, group discussions, and individual counseling. In addition a phone network allowed on-site camping staff to share with each other and stay up-to-date.

    • Outreach/support was offered to families affected by the crisis.

    • Prayer and processing was organized within small groups (i.e., camping colleagues, staffs of previous Conferences where the person had worked). These meetings were private, and sought to be sensitive to the situation both in sharing of information and feelings of those involved.

    • The board and crisis team identified immediate needs for the ministry to continue operating. Short term solutions were put into place.

    The key to successful crisis management in this situation was that the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference had a plan in place, the Crisis Team were ready and had clearly established roles, responsibilities, and lines of communication. So when the crisis became apparent, rather than having to “think on their feet”, they simply put in place an established crisis action plan.

    For Communication Director Greg Nelson, two things are key to effective messaging. First is to work with the Conference Chancellor to set the allowed speaking points. Second is to remember that the Conference is only responsible for telling “our own” story. When press inquiries are looking for the details of the allegations, they should be referred to law enforcement for those details. Nelson shares, “Our story is about our reaction to the event, and about our ongoing concern for the safety of campers. Getting that out early is important because as a story breaks, those early comments will get used by secular media. If you haven’t said anything, your side of the story won’t be told.”  

    While it’s challenging to think about potential crisis situations, the practice of planning and preparedness can make all the difference between a media disaster with increased heartache for all involved, or a situation managed with professionalism and compassion. Managing crises well provides a witness that our ministries, teams, and our faith have what it takes to withstand the storms of life and move into the future stronger and wiser.

    Please contact Discipleship Ministries/Safe Sanctuaries for examples of policies and crisis response plans.  http://www.umcdiscipleship.org/leadership-resources/safe-sanctuaries

    The American Camp Association staffs a 24-hour Crisis Hotline available to any camp, whether or not they are a member. They also provide helpful links on specific crisis topics. http://www.acacamps.org/resource-library/camp-crisis-hotline

    Kelly Peterson Cruse is Chair of the UMCRM Board of Directors. She serves as Director of Camping and Young People's Ministry for the Cal-Nevada Conference and as Young People's Ministries Staff for UMC Discipleship Ministries in the Western Jurisdiction. Kelly is a former camp owner/director and Safe Sanctuaries trainer.

  • 26 Nov 2016 5:37 PM | Jen Burch (Administrator)

    As is true when you travel to almost anywhere, there are nuances to most locales and things you need to know before you arrive. Texas is no different. Today's article is to shed a little light on some of these things.  

    You have probably heard the phrase before, "Everything is bigger in Texas."  If not, now you have. We Texans believe this down to our very core. The size of the state alone is staggering. It is approximately 900 miles from north to south, or from east to west in a straight line. It is over 268,000 square miles. It is larger than many countries, including all of them in Europe, and if it were its own country (it was once!), it would be the 40th largest nation in the world. In fact, the largest county in Texas, Brewster County, is 6,193 square miles, or large enough to hold the state of Delaware 3 times within its borders. 

    Not everyone in Texas wears cowboy hats and boots. I know, crazy right?  Why wouldn't an entire state wear all the same thing every day? All kidding aside, I own both of these items, but they are not my everyday attire. In the colder months, though, my boots are my go-to choice. If you haven't ever worn them, they are quite comfortable.  

    I know most people believe that people from their locales are known for being friendly. We Texans try to one-up everyone on this as well. We take great pride in retaining our manners (there are lots of "Yes, ma'ams" and "Yes sirs," but it runs deeper than just that. The name "Texas" actually comes from the Spanish pronunciation of the Hasinai Native American word meaning "friend." The Hasinai Confederacy were some of the Native Americans from the region where we will be meeting.  

    Unlike most of the United States, and even the rest of the world, that has four seasons in the year, we in Texas only have two: Summer and Not-Summer. The weather here is known for its extremes, and it rarely stays in the middle long enough to have a season of it. When you look back at the year, you really just have hot, and then a short period of not-hot. Luckily for most of you, you are coming to visit us in the not-hot time, which means you can expect highs anywhere from 35-75 degrees Fahrenheit, and lows anywhere from 20-50. Not much help for what to pack, I realize. One of my favorite lines from my boyhood pastor in Abilene, Texas was, "Don't like the weather here in Texas? Stick around 15 minutes...it'll change."

    As most of you could about your own areas, I could keep going on about Texas forever, on all the things that I love about it and even some of the things I don't. Here's what I hope: come down and see us in 2017 at the National Event, and see what you think for yourself. We would love to have you go and register today, and we can't wait to see you in January.  


    Beau has been camping since 3rd grade in the Northwest Texas, Baltimore-Washington, and North Texas Conferences.  He has had the privilege to be on staff at Bridgeport Camp and Conference Center as the Executive Director since 2012.

Questions?  Please contact our Association Registrar

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