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Community Conversation Reflections: Intentional Expressions of Discipleship at Camp

14 Sep 2022 3:50 PM | Jen Burch (Administrator)

The first UMCRM Community Conversation in our "Discipleship and Faith Formation in a Camp & Retreat Setting" was held Monday, 9/12, led by Todd Bartlett (OR-ID) and Russell Davis (North GA). 

View the recap video

Meredith Petty (Camp Alta Mons, VA) reflects...

I really enjoy UMCRM Community Conversations because we have so many great leaders in our network that are such busy humans, so it's a real privilege to get to spend time with them and ask questions, hear their honest thoughts, and learn more about their guiding camp philosophies. 

"How do we intentionally create space for depth of relationship to be formed so there's emotional safety?"

– Russell

I think that making sure it's known that camp is an inclusive space is key to both forming deep relationships and creating emotional safety. If people are busy trying to hide who they are for fear of being found out and excluded, they will not form deep relationships and (clearly) the emotional safety component isn't there. Russell also said "We must leverage our uniqueness to stay relevant," and I completely agree with that-- this summer our District merged with another District and it's going to be critical to our success and future vitality to communicate why this camp is a resource, has an important impact and role to play within this new, larger District, and ultimately why folks should continue to support the camp's ministry. 

"Belong - Behave- Believe"

– from Celtic style of evangelism, referenced by Todd

I am such a big fan of the "belong, behave, believe" mindset/order and I have seen how inclusion and making sure staff/campers feel like they are a part of the community at camp is #1 and is critical to so many things-- behavior management, relationship building, and faith formation. We have so many campers and staff who show up at Alta Mons very adamant that they are atheist and I love telling them "that is absolutely fine, you are welcome and loved here just the same" and seeing how surprised they are. And then getting to see those same individuals come back year after year and champion the behavior, values, and ideals of Jesus. It's like they became a Christian and didn't even know it. 

"Bibs vs. Aprons"

– classic ministry analogy from Camp Glisson

Also a big fan of Russell's bibs vs. aprons analogy – God calls us to DO things. Jesus DID a lot of things. Camp is the most beautiful way I have ever found to live out what the Bible teaches us to do, and even though it's really beautiful, it's really hard. Many of the things that camp requires of us are hard. But together we can do those things and grow in community and faith. And that is so much more rewarding, meaningful, and growth- inspiring compared to having things done for you and being spoon fed. "We are growing when we are making opportunities for others to be fed."

Thanks to Todd, Russell, and Meredith and all who took part in this fruitful conversation!

Join us for the next one on Monday, September 26th at 4pm ET / 1pm PT to talk about Leading Worship In the Camp Setting.

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