Since 2017, the Solomon Cramer Fund has been sending young people to camp by granting scholarship funds to United Methodist conference camp/retreat ministries. Through these grants, camps have developed innovative programs that reach new people in new places, widening the circle of leadership and campership.
Scholarship grants from the Solomon Cramer Fund encourage us to consider the breadth of our ministries by focusing on the following four priorities:
Experiences that minister with youth living in poverty
The intentional development of young people for spiritual leadership and/or leadership with Camp & Retreat Ministries
Camp experiences that collaborate with local churches and agencies in processes of faith formation
Opportunities for increasing racial/ethnic diversity within ministry participation and leadership.
Special consideration is given to Camp & Retreat Ministries that focus on more than one of those priorities and that are launching new opportunities.
Sixteen programs received Solomon Cramer Fund grants in 2024.
At The Lake Ministries (Western PA) - Lake rides and fishing charters for those with disabilities and special needs
The charter craft was fitted with custom-built exhaust insulation. This investment ensures proper insulation for hot, exhaust areas of the vessel as well as long-term noise reduction for the benefit of guests who are sensitive to noisy environments.
Camp Connect at Epworth by the Sea (South GA) - Counselor-in-Training program

Grant funding provided 5 high school graduates an opportunity to participate in intentional leadership development through training and hands-on experience as Camp Connect staff in order to bolster qualified staff applications the following summer. CIT Emerson reflected, “I was immediately welcomed by the counselors with open arms, and all my nerves rushed away. We were paired up with our team of counselors for the week, practiced skits & dances, and prayed over our incoming children. When campers arrived it was so moving to see all of the counselors change into “kid” mode, swooping in as “parent” for the week. In each and every co-worker, I saw how God moved through them, caring for & nurturing these kids as if they were their own. Epworth by the Sea is where I feel myself called to serve.”
New Covenant Impact Camp at Lakewood (IN) - Serving under-resourced campers from southeast Fort Wayne
Impact Camp serves children in the inner-city by providing a week of camp for free where they could experience the beauty of Creation, God's love, and community. Twelve campers were sponsored by the grant last year. One of them, Je’Caryous, has been in and out of the foster care system for most of his life. The trauma he’s experienced has caused him to turn into himself and not trust others easily. When he was given the opportunity to go to camp, he was nervous, but by the end of the week was transformed. His walk looked different. His smile was brighter. He was able to let his guard down. He said that he never liked to see himself in pictures before, but that he wanted to now because of the friends he made and his counselor who showed him love. In addition to being overjoyed about the high dive at swim rotation, he said he liked learning about Jesus being a servant because He helped people who had nothing.
Creation Vacation at Camp Magruder (OR-ID) - Serving families facing housing insecurity who would not otherwise have an opportunity for vacation

Creation Vacation offers low-income families in the Dallas, Oregon area an opportunity to take a beach vacation without cost, and to connect with church families who support the trip and make lasting connections. The structured programming does not just offer these families recreation, but also community, spiritual nourishment, and networking. It gives an aging church the chance to have an impact on families representing demographics that might learn nothing about their church otherwise. It allows camp the opportunity to provide an experience for a socio-economically diverse group of people. 56 campers were enabled to participate in the program this year.
Camp Norwesca LIT Program (Great Plains) - Empowering underprivileged youth and fostering developing leaders through Leaders In Training program
The LIT program equips future counselors with the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes to be effective leaders who can positively impact their campers and contribute to a successful camp experience. 17-year-old friends Patrick and Cody were assigned to lead a large group activity designed to promote teamwork and problem-solving. The activity required them to guide younger campers through a series of collaborative tasks, each with its own set of challenges. With guidance from their mentors, Patrick and Cody prepared meticulously. They divided responsibilities, practiced their communication strategies, and developed a plan to keep the campers engaged. On the day of the activity, their combined efforts paid off. Patrick’s careful planning and Cody’s dynamic facilitation created a balanced and engaging experience for the campers. The activity not only succeeded but also fostered a strong sense of teamwork and excitement among the younger participants.
City Kids to Campers at Camp Tanako (AR) - Providing an outdoor camp experience for minority urban day campers from downtown Hot Springs
While in the past we just provided an opportunity for swim time at the pool, this year the grant enabled expanded offerings including archery, hiking, putt putt, and gaga ball. Through extra staff support, 300 campers were able to participate.
The Hope Project at Indicoso, Rivervale, and Pine Creek Camps (IN) - Providing a free camp experience for under-resourced campers from East Indianapolis
Five new African-American campers were welcomed through the grant this year. Toriah loved making new friends, especially at the pool and at worship. She also liked when the lights went out at bedtime. Mariah also enjoyed making new friends and participating in worship. She was excited to try so many new things and was thankful for the opportunity to slow down for naptime. Jazzmine focused on how new everything felt. She tried lots of new things for the first time at camp.
HOPE Camp at Jumonville (Western PA) - Serving at-risk youth with financial need
We received a follow-up from the foster parent of one of our first-time HOPE campers, reporting how she had not stopped talking about the incredible week she had, all the friends she made, and how much stronger her faith in Jesus had become since attending.
Ozark Mission Project Week at Mount Eagle Retreat Center (AR) - Subsidizing home repair mission week partnership with youth from Arkansas and Texas
The grant was used to offset the cost of 51 campers attending OMP Week at Mount Eagle. They were able to build wheelchair ramps, fix porches, frame out a restroom and so much more to serve our neighbors in the surrounding communities through this camp experience.
Ozark Mission Project (AR) Leadership Academy - Developing leaders among international students from universities in Arkansas through training and mission service
The 2024 grant sponsored an international student from Suriname to participate in OMP's Leadership Academy, a training program which prepares them for a summer of hands-on mission work, discipleship, and engagement with the community. Sponsoring these students equips them with life skills, rewarding mission experience, and financial support toward their college tuition. Jean-Yves was grateful for the people he got to help, the youth he got to lead, and the life-changing experience OMP provided for him during his time in our country. The impact he had on the hundreds of youth volunteers and community members is immeasurable. He also had an opportunity to present a sermon for the first time. He gave a compelling message about unity as members of the body of Christ and how all can use their diverse gifts for the glory of God and to serve others.
L.E.A.D. at Pecometh (MD, Pen-Del) - Developing leaders among underprivileged urban campers of color
The grant covered full camperships for seven campers to attend the LEAD program, which builds young leaders for both Christian and secular spaces. LEAD campers spend the week hearing from leaders in local churches, businesses, and nonprofits. At the end of the week, these campers formulate plans to use their new leadership skills to the benefit of their communities.
Open Arms Initiative at Pocono Plateau (Eastern PA) - Providing camperships, transportation, supplies, and leadership support for urban campers with financial need
The 2024 grant enabled the launch of a Day Camp program and provide half-scholarships for 17 campers.
Eastern UMC at West River Center (MD, Balt-Wash) - Providing a camp experience to under-served children
Originally, the grant intended to help families of incarcerated men to attend camp and have a sense of security and normalcy. Unfortunately, Camp Hope was not able to happen this year due to volunteer issues, so funds were pivoted to Eastern UMC. Eastern is a church in Baltimore with predominantly impoverished children and youth who would not ordinarily be able to afford to come to camp. 25 campers and 7 volunteers from this Black church community were able to attend the camp week.
Other 2024 grant recipients:
Camp Shine (Cal-Pac) - Serving campers on the autism spectrum who would not otherwise attend summer camp
Camp Wesley Woods (TN) - Reaching the Unchurched - Expanding campership access to campers with financial need who do not have a church home
Camp Days at Mount Shepherd (Western NC) - Asheboro Housing Authority partnership - Camperships and transportation for urban day campers who otherwise could not afford a camp experience
The 2025 Solomon Cramer Grant application will open next week. Consider applying for support of your mission-driven camp program for this coming summer season.