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Ministry Impact Project Reports, Installment #12: More to Celebrate!

26 Apr 2023 8:20 PM | Jen Burch (Administrator)

This week we feature 5 more projects funded by the 2022 Ministry Impact Grants. Eighty-six United Methodist camp/retreat ministry projects from around the United States received a total of nearly $2.5 million in grants from a private foundation. The impacts will continue to ripple out as those ministries steward the gifts for future sustainability.


View the full 2022 Ministry Impact Grant Report


UMCRM continues to celebrate the vision, hope, and expanded ministry reach represented in these project reports over the coming weeks and months. 

UMYC Transportation - Urban Methodist Youth Camp, MI

With some patience and diligence, the ministry was able to secure vehicles to meet their program needs. Instead of just one large bus, they opted for a 15 passenger van (that can be driven by anyone with a regular license), and a 28 passenger bus that requires a CDL-certified driver. This combination allows for flexibility for different types of youth group and camp events. The grant will enable safe storage and ongoing vehicle maintenance, as well, making the bus and van assets that will last a long while in service to the youth programs. Having this ready and reliable transportation enables better access to enriching and faith development experiences for more young people. 

Foundation Board Development - Upper NY Conference

The grant has allowed the Conference’s six governance groups to take significant steps forward toward making the camps more sustainable and effective. Training was held for the Conference CRM Committee and 5 Foundation boards with an attorney who specializes in nonprofit law, and a coach who specializes in fund development. The Conference purchased and implemented software designed for board effectiveness, which will continue the process of becoming healthy boards. They also purchased a subscription to Board Source as an ongoing resource for growth and development. The direct impact of camp and retreat programs is possible only when the organizational infrastructure is strong. This funding has provided for a strong foundation for the ministries’ future.

“All In For the Journey” Consulting - Susquehanna Conference Camp & Retreat Ministries (PA) 

The Conference engaged Kaleidoscope to do a deep assessment of the Camp and Retreat Ministries and discern future directions that will strengthen the ministry for years to come. The consultants visited all of the centers to gather information on their assets, current guest and camper programs and participation, and insights from the staff about strengths, challenges and possibilities. Jody Oates then led the Camp and Retreat Ministry Board in a process of learning best practices and assessment of all aspects of our ministry over multiple in-person and online discernment sessions. The team explored missional purpose, core values, operational changes for vitality, the changing landscape of our communities, and adaptations needed to expand ministry reach. The recommendations focused on maximizing the impact of Christian Camp and Retreat Ministry now and in the future.

Environmental Education - Rolling Ridge Retreat Center (MA)

Rolling Ridge is reaching new people and transforming lives through environmental and eco-spiritual programming. The funds received through the Ministry Impact Grant enabled the purchase of new kayaking equipment, storage shed, decking, and stair dock so that someone like Tracy, with mobility issues, could “pray and paddle” and find her quiet center on the water. The grant helped to create websites for Pray and Paddle and Conscious Composting along with social media hubs for both. Nine popular Pray and Paddle events were held in 2022, along with 6 monthly composting workshops. Rolling Ridge was also able to implement Land Acknowledgement initiatives, including a naming event and signage for the island off the peninsula in collaboration with the Cowasuck Band of the Pennacook Abenaki people.

Staff Housing Repairs - Loucon (KY)

Grant funding helped create a home for a staff family who will help the camp achieve its ministry goals. Quality staff housing helps us care for them well as they care for our campers and guests. The original house was gutted, flooring and drywall replaced, bathrooms renovated, painting and repairs completed. Another donation enabled replacement of the windows. The outcome is a space that looks and feels like a brand new house. The environmental remediation expert who came to check the air quality couldn't believe it was the same house. The camp is blessed to be able to house staff in a safe and comfortable house, a key asset to attracting and retaining good leadership.

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