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Camp-Themed VBS and Summer Camps: Can We Collaborate?

11 Oct 2023 8:27 PM | Jen Burch (Administrator)

The Summer Camp VBS theme for 2024 Camp Firelight provides a unique opportunity for camps to collaborate with churches next summer. Rev. Ron Bartlow (Desert Southwest Conference) got our brainstorming wheels turning with some suggestions…

Create Co-Branded Materials (UMCRM & local camps), drafting content that camps can then use:

  • Simple print materials – trifold, pamphlet – linking the camp-themed VBS offerings with a summary of the research / outcomes of the Effective Camp research, sharing the impact of camp. Allow space for camps to co-brand by adding their information. Camps can have the materials out for retreat groups in advance, send them to churches, share them with pastors in conversation, etc.

  • A webpage that camps can copy and use on their own sites.

  • Video / training for VBS directors about “a day in the life” at camp.  Local Camp Directors could film and edit in an intro and outtro (from a draft script).

Give Special Scholarships to Churches Utilizing the VBS materials

Camps can partner with churches to advertise scholarships along with / during their VBS.

Decorations & Props

Camps could print branded resources to lend to churches to use for decoration. Review the curriculum, print campfires, “happy campers,” or a rustic cabin backdrop, etc., as stand-ups with the camp logo on them. (I just ordered a 5 foot John Wesley; the printing cost me $120. He’s gonna stand in my office window, blessing anyone who comes by.) Or create camp-specific backdrops – e.g. a favorite cabin, or the dining hall porch, etc.

Planning Retreat 

Partner with the annual conference to host a VBS Directors / planners retreat at camp at low to no cost, to help with planning, coordination, and to learn from one another. Helps give a taste of the real thing to the directors as they are planning (some have likely never been to a camp!). Some conferences may have directors for children’s ministries or education committees that could help with planning/leading with the directors.

Camp Promo Announcements

“Hey, leaders: What if we told you there was a researched way to increase church attendance and involvement by kids? There is! And your VBS can contribute to it. The Effective Camp Research Project shows that children and youth who go to camp are X% more likely to be actively involved in worship afterward”… etc.

Share Leaders

Could counselors or camp staff come as guest speakers or activity leaders to VBS? Would VBS volunteers be interested in coming to camp with kids from their communities?


Loan or give out old camp branded merch for churches to use for decoration or gifts. T-shirts, camp hats, etc. 


Camps could make and deliver cookie gift baskets to churches doing the camp VBS. Or send staff to make s’mores on site?

Camp/VBS Celebration and Debrief

Could camps provide a group pastoral retreat (before? after?) the summer season and share some of the joys of camp along with outcomes of the Effective Camp research?

Communicate with your annual conference and local church leaders about your interest in the camp theme and ideas for collaboration. Comment below or contact UMCRM with additional ideas and suggestions so we can crowdsource for everyone’s benefit.

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